Dry and humid periods constitute one of the
climatic phenomena with the greatest impact on
hydrology and agricultural activity in the Pampas
region of Argentina.
In this work, a characterization of drought and wet
events for annual periods was made in Azul, Buenos
Aires, applying the Moisture Index to the Serial Hydric
Balance (BHS).
The analysis of the series (1988-2017) confirms a
definite trend with consistent results in the three
applied methods, which shows a sustained increase in
the presence of dry years (negative humidity index).
However, when working with decadic periods, the last
decade shows a trend break (8 dry years), which was
statistically significant between the humidity index (HI)
and the two contrasting variables.
Finally, the application of the IH was an
appropriate tool when analyzing the complexity of
droughts and water excess for annual periods, arising
from the BHS.
Keywords : Humidity Index, Series Water Balance, Annual Water Situations.