Maize is a cereal grain belonging to the
family Gramineae/ Poaceae. Maize is widely cultivated
throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is
produced each year than any other grain. The study
was conducted purposefully in Block
Bheemadevarapalli vangara of Warangal district. Total
120 respondents were selected randomly from 10
villages and the results of descriptive study revealed
that Adoption level improved production practices of
maize enterprise were medium. The analysis showed
that majority (69.16%) of the respondents had medium
level of Adoption followed by low (25.83%) and high
(5.00%) respectively towards improved production
practices of maize enterprise. Correlation analysis of
Adoption with other independent variables results
revealed that the age and extension contact were found
to be positive and significant at the 0.05 level The
variables like education, occupation, land holding,
annual income, mass media exposure, market
orientation and economic motivation were found non-
significant both 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance.
Keywords : Correlation Analysis, Enterprise, Adoption, Production Practice.