Adoption of Integrated Rice Crop Management in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia

Authors : Lukman Effendy; Ani Leilani

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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The application of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) technology in rice by farmers in Majalengka District is not yet as expected, therefore this study aimed to: (1) describe the level of ICM technology adoption, (2) analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ICM, (3) find strategies to increase the adoption of ICM technology. This survey research was conducted in Cigasong Sub-district. The research sample was determined by following the Isaac & Michael formula with total of 45 people from a population of 125 people. Data were collected through direct interviews using a questionnaire containing statements for each variable. Before being used to collect data, the questionnaire was tested for its validity and reliability. The data were then analyzed in two ways; based on descriptive statistics, to explain the performance of research variables, and multiple linear regression to analyze the factors that influence adoption. The results of the study were: (1) most of the respondents (44.45%) were elderly of 56-78 years, elementary school education level (71.11%), had farming experience over 27 years, and owned narrow land area with an average of 0.39 ha ; (2) in general the adoption of ICM in Cigasong Sub-district has reached 61.60 percent, influenced by the capacity of farmers and the characteristics of innovation; (3) formulation of strategies to accelerate the adoption of ICM, namely; (1) formulation of strategies to increase adoption which are; choosing the right agricultural innovation according to the needs of farmers, choosing effective extension methods, and optimizing the role of extension.

Keywords : Integrated Crop Management, Farmer, Rice,, Linear Regression.


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