This paper presents Safety and Security is a critical issue nowadays and many new innovations come out these days with the integration of security features into emerging wireless communication. Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The Advance Guard surveillance solution provides wide area detection and tracking system, covering both the perimeter and the area within a secure site. It uses a Passive Infra Red Radiations as a concept of radar to scan the area and advanced tracking algorithms to follow intruders. The system includes a wireless camera which shows the location of people or vehicles to a control room operator as they move within the site. Map locations are updated once a second. CCTV cameras can be controlled to automatically follow a threat and thermal cameras can be included as part of the system if required. Advance Guard operates in all weather and light conditions and can detect a variety of targets including people, vehicles or boats over water.
Keywords : Passive Infra Red Radiation (PIR); Infra Red Radiation (IR); Radio Frequency (RF); Printed Circuit Board(PCB); Peripheral Interface Circuit(PIC).