Advanced Agriculture System using Data Mining Techniques

Authors : B. Kavitha, M. Nagarani.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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In rural areas farmers are facing problems regarding good productive soil (fertilizers), seeding their plants and protecting them from pests issue and diseases. Still they are following traditional agriculture practices which are very far from the modern agriculture system. Farmers don’t have enough information of agriculture market where they get good price and sometimes they could not get market where they could sell their products on time where some products have very short life like vegetables and fruits. Due to un-reliable market information they often depend on middle men who take advantage of their illiteracy or unawareness of market information and thus they cannot get enough income. To overcome the above problems by designing an advanced agriculture system to the farmers by using data mining techniques it provide the proper guidance i.e. from sowing stage to harvesting will provide increase crop productivity automatically they gain profit using classification and clustering algorithms.

Keywords : Datamining, classification, clustering.


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