Authors : Virendra Talele; Niranjan Sonawane; Omkar Chavan; Akash Divate; Niraj Badhe; Mirza Adil Ansar Beg; Harshal Patil
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL108
In the present study, three workbench
problem for turbulence modeling with high Reynolds
number is used to determine the behavior of fluid flow
around the surfaces. The cases for simulation is
developed using Ansys workbench CFD fluent module.
The computational results are obtained using solution
sets of high Reynolds number with the LagrangianEulerian (LE) approach of point particle tracking
system in Nevers stoke RANS Equation. The effect of
flow pattern around the surface and its kinetic behavior
of fluid is evaluated in post-process method of results.
By observation, it has been tabulated that fluid flow
separation is arousal at the corner end of all surfaces
which happens due to evoking of a large adverse
pressure gradient.
Keywords : Ansys, LE, RANS, Reynolds number, Pressure gradients