This study contains a study of Agricultural
transformation in Bangladesh, which is a case study on
Rajshahi District. Agricultural transformation means
the systematic change in cultivation pattern. This study
shows the crop cultivation pattern of two upazillas of
Rajshahi district, namely Bagha and Charghat. Details
information of cultivation has been collected for two
specific years that is; 2010 and 2016. This study mainly
based on primary data. Necessary information are
being collected trough a structured questionnaire by
face to face interview method. Primary data are being
collected from the farmers and agriculture offices from
the two upazillas. Collected information are being
analyzed with mainly descriptive statistics. This study
highlighted the basic information about change in area
of cultivated land, amount of production, cost of
production, revenue and profit of cultivation of
different crops. The study results show that, land area
and amount of production of rice and other cereal crops
has been decreased. On the other hand, cultivated area
and amount of production of mango production has
been increased at a huge amount. As a result, the supply
of food product is decreasing and price of food products
are increasing. For the better future this study suggests
that, public awareness should be increased about the
effects of this transformation and government should
take necessary steps to change the present trend of
agricultural transformation. Necessary facilities for the
farmers should be increased.
Keywords : Agricultural Transformation, Crop Farming, Mango Farming, Change in Farming System.