Agrimart: Transparent Approach Facilitating Trading for Farmers and Merchants

Authors : Bhagyashree Nigade, Dr. Mininath Nighot

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Modern day farming industry is not aware of all the trends that are available to make farming easier and fruitful. Farmers get cheated despite of their hard work. Present days, world resembles a worldwide town because of computerization and internet facility. Here, we are interested to present another idea for advanced, well- educated and interested agriculturists who are adopting latest technologies in farming. This not only helps them in farming but also getting a fair price for their efforts and produce. In this project the farmers are able to sell their goods and produce to the merchants giving the most elevated prize identified with the product and the government who is an authorized person can observe all the transaction that take place between the farmer and the merchant by using statistical algorithms instead of collaborative filtering technique. The government sees every transaction details of the merchant to stop black marketing of products and can keep a track of every transaction and total yield. This project intends to give dependable and productive stage or condition to interface with various marketing facility. This fills in as a chance to solve the major problems farmers face in the present world.

Keywords : Big Data, Black Marketing, E-learning, Market Rate, Weather forecasting.


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