This study aims of analyze "Airport
Management to Improve the Quality of Public Services
in the Perspective of Good Corporate Governance." So
that it can provide solutions and innovations to overcome
the problems faced. This study uses a type of qualitative
research (Qualitative Research), primary data collected
using structured interviews and supported
documentation, with informants in accordance with the
research objectives. Analysis of research data uses the
"Components of Data Analysis Interactive Model" taken
from the thoughts of Miles, Huberman and Saldana,
(2014). The results of this study prove in public services;
The principles of Transparency, Accountability,
Responsibility, Independence and Equality and fairness
that have been implemented. The leadership applied is
democratic, the internal control system is quite good, the
public service strategy is appropriate. Public services
carried out manually and online have been supported by
adequate infrastructure and quite sophisticated facilities.
The service model found needs to be developed so that it
can realize the concept of "Good Corporate
Governance", by building a "Conditional Structured
Professional Bureaucracy" which will spearhead in
realizing "Excellent Service" in accordance with the
concept of Good Corporate Governance which can be
implied by the term 3S + 1C namely : "Safety, Security,
Services and Compliannes". Thus it is very supportive of
the achievement of services that provide more
guarantees for Safety, Security, Satisfaction and
Compliance. The next step is with the support of
delegated Structured Professional Bureaucracy, where a
decision does not always depend on the top level of
management, so that things that are low-level
operational can be decided by the lower management
Keywords : Governance, Public Service, Good Corporate Governance.