Change management is one of the substantive
methods used by the organizations in order to curb the
persistent increase in dynamism as a result of either
changes in technologies or other factors. Most of the
time, managers and or leaders are looking at change
management as the most difficult part of managerial
activity which needs special consideration and great skill.
This aspect is particularly relevant in respect to our
modern organizations, where all things are not static,
and leaders always used to adapt to the changing need of
their subordinates or the entire organization. This paper
provides an insight on change management and it
principles that helps an organization to keep track of any
need that might arise as a result of changes. And also
change management strategies to adopt in uncertain
situations. The paper highlight the necessity for soft
leadership style as an innovative style to adopt in dealing
with any transformation process of the organization in
response to any changes in work environment. Models
and approach were explained in respect with change
management and their effect on organization
performance. The paper concluded that leaders in
organization should adopt the leadership style that is
employee oriented not self centered because managing
change required the involvement of everybody in
organizations. And soft leadership is recommended for
any transformation process
Keywords : Change Management, Principles Sand Approaches, Models, Soft Leadership Style