An Analysis of Pandemic 2020 impacts on Primary, Secondary and College Education in Urban and Rural India

Authors : Meenakshi Paul

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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COVID-19 has an unprecedented impact on the education in India and worldwide affecting a huge number of students across states, class, caste, gender and region. School and college closures impacted not only students and teachers and families but also had far reaching societal and economic consequences. But the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic taught us that change is the only constant and thus is unavoidable. It has worked as a catalyst for educational institutions to grow and opt for new technical platforms which have not been used anytime before. On the other hand the shutting down of schools and the decision of shifting traditional classrooms to digital platforms has not only enhanced learning inequality among children, but also plucked a considerable number of children out of school due to the digital divide. This paper highlights both positive and negative impacts of COVID on primary, secondary and higher education. It puts forward the struggles of the rural and urban areas separately to cope up with the pandemic and discusses the measures taken by Indian Government to provide seamless education in the country and also provides a set of long-term measures that should be adopted and implemented in the due course of time to mitigate losses and bridge gaps

Keywords : COVID-19, Education in India, Digitisation, Govt. of India, Measures


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31 - October - 2021

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