An Analysis of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) using Total Production Ratio (TPR) Method on Alumuinum Die Casting Products in PT XYZ

Authors : Ogie Kustiadi, Denny Hadianto, Alfa Omega Hutagalung, El Hafiz, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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PT. XYZ is an Aluminum Die Casting company whose products used by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. PT. XYZ has a commitment to improve the company productivities and performance improvement at all aspect from effective planning, maximum production and machines’ maximum performance so it produces qualified products to achieve costumers’ satisfaction. In order to maintain the quality and productivity, a factor to be concerned is production machines’ maintenance, in this case Die Casting machines. This research analyzes the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) which is done by using Total Production Ratio (TPR), the result of this research is to know the success ratio in applying TPM on Die Casting machines, where at this moment maintenance of Die Casting machines at PT. XYZ is not at its maximum and average for all the machines, this can be seen at machine number 3 where its TPR value is 84,63% below standard of 85%, meanwhile for other machines their TPR values are above 90%. This research uses data from the period of March and April, meanwhile it uses assumption for the period of May after maintenance is done to TPM system with a change in value of 10%, with this change the TPR value for each machine is increased especially for machine number 3 the value increased form 84,63% to 85,81%, therefore with such value machine number 3 has met the required standard of 85%.

Keywords : Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Total Production Ratio (TPR), Productivity.


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