An Approach to Replace Deployed Forces Using IOT Controlled Robot A Literature Survey and Review Paper

Authors : Pawanraj S P, Jagadeesh B N

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Consider the military soldiers who are not autonomous robots or remote-controlled mobile robots. They are living beings. They have emotions, fear, and limitations and are inaccurate compared to machines and robots. They are sensitive to external factors and are subjected to environmental effects easily. The expenditure bared by the Government is very high for deployed forces like salary and other expenditures. Life Losses occurs often in the borders. Modifications / Up gradations cannot be made possible for soldiers. Humans or deployed forces are subjected to factors such as Diseases that are Infectious, Non-Battle Injuries that occur, Injuries from Heat and Cold, Stress that are Psychological, Toxic Industrial Chemicals, Weapons that are Chemical or Biological. This approach is a robot system, a security system that can be deployed in protected areas especially borders. It is an infrared (IR) & security system consisting of a camera. It is a system that senses the Intruders and trespassers. It is also capable of transferring the recorded video to the specified destination. The robot is a system that is going to have an IR Sensor. The sensor in the robot system senses any intruders / trespassers and will activate the alarm and also switch on the guns. The robot will also be capable of shooting the intruder when he cross the border, the bullet shall also be equipped with a GPS facility so that incase if the intruder tries to escapes he can be tracked with devices or smart phone. The robot will capture the live video and also transmit the same from the camera to the receiver, which is the smartphone. It will trigger the alarm and the data will be transferred to the mobile device.

Keywords : IoT; Internet of Things; Robot; Wireless Communication; Sensor; Infrared; Defense; Security; Soldiers; Deployed Forces;


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