Authors : Md. Monarul Islam; Mohammad Rafiqul Islam; Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman; Farhana Khandoker; Mohshi-U-Nahidy Islam
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May
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The main purpose of the study was to
determine the livelihood improvement of the beneficiaries
through Extension of PDBF Activities for Poverty
Alleviation & Self Employment project. The study was
conducted in Faridpur, Natore and Comilla districts. A
total number of 367 beneficiaries were finally selected
which constituted the sample of the study by using
stratified random sampling technique. Eleven selected
characteristics of the beneficiaries were considered as the
independent variables and livelihood development of the
beneficiaries through project activities was the dependent
variable of the study. Up close and personal meeting plan
was utilized to gather applicable information from the
respondents. Livelihood improvement of the respondent
was measured by the addition of the extent of changes
occurred in 6 selected dimensions of projects activities. An
overwhelming majority (81.47%) of beneficiaries
belonged to medium, compared to 16.08% and 2.45%
belong to low and high change in livelihood improvement
categories respectively. Results of this study indicated that
out of 11 variables, the correlation coefficient of 6
independent variables i.e. annual savings, family size,
training, income generating activities, duration with
project and attitude towards project were found
significantly (0.5% and 1% level) related with the
dependent variable. A multiple correlation R value is
0.376 and corresponding R2 value is 0.141; which means
that all the independent variables jointly explained
14.10% of total variation changes in livelihood
improvement of the respondents.
Keywords : Livelihood; Improvement; Beneficiaries, PDBF.