An Assessment of Factors Affecting Efficiency of Procurement Function in County Government of Bungoma, Kenya

Authors : Jeremiah Wanyama Muchembi, Dr. Yusuf Kibet, Dr. Kadian Wanyama Wanyonyi, Dr. Musiega Douglas

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 12 - December

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The study purposed to assess the factors affecting the efficiency of procurement function. A conceptual framework guided the study to show the interactions of the study variables. The study was further anchored on a case study and explanatory research designs. The study targeted 225 employees, 115 departmental heads and 1,126 suppliers. Stratified sampling technique was used to categories employees, departmental heads and suppliers. The study adopted simple random sampling to select 68 employees, 35 departmental heads and 113 suppliers. The research instruments used were the questionnaires, interview schedules and telephone interviews. On the validity of the instruments, the researcher used content validity while reliability was established by use of Cranach’s Alpha coefficient which yielded a value of 0.82. The study was then analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistical tools where regression analysis was used. There was a positive and significant effect between e-procurement and the efficiency of procurement function. The research findings will be helpful to the departmental heads, academicians, procurement officers and the County Government as a whole in assessing the factors affecting procurement function in the county.

Keywords : Governance; Electronic Procurement; Procurement Planning; Contracts Management and Efficiency of Procurement Function.


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