Urban kampong is one of the typical forms of
urban settlement in Indonesia, and currently constitutes
the majority of urban settlements in many cities in
Indonesia. The high proportion of land use for
urbansettlements in Indonesia highlights the importance
and contribution of urban kampong for the overall
sustainability of the city. The high density of buildings in
the urban kampung forms a compact residential
environment which is recently claimed as a sustainable
form of built-environment. Malang City is one of the
medium-sized cities in Indonesia that intensifies the
development of thematic kampongs to improve the
quality of urban kampongs within the city. One of the
interesting kampongs in Malang City is Polehan
Kampong. Polehan Kampong is one of 45 thematic
kampongs in Malang and a grantee of the Communitybased Urban Upgrading Program that is considered to
have a sufficient level of readiness. Therefore, it is
crucial to see whether the development being carried out
leads to sustainability, and the first essential step is to
assess the physical aspect ofthe Kampong.
Rapfishmultidimensional scaling (MDS) was used to
estimate the physical sustainability status in Polehan
Kampong. The result shows that compactness is the only
variable that at an acceptable level, but the others are
below expectation
Keywords : Kampong; Settlement; Sustainability