It is a widespread reality that sustainable energy supply is one of a key-variable for development of a nation. Pakistan, being a developing country, is confronting the most exceedingly terrible energy crisis that are devastating its socio-economic development. A few steps were taken to meet energy requirements but the strategy couldn’t fulfil the demand and supply gap. At present population of Pakistan is increasing at alarming rate. The same trend of energy production from indigenous energy resources will not be able to meet energy requirements of increasing population. The only way for mitigation of these growing energy crisis is to optimally utilize available resources and promote energy production from renewable energy resources instead of relying on nonrenewable resources. Another threat for Pakistan is water drought. It is predicted that by 2025 Pakistan will confront water scarcity if same gravitate of water utilization will be adopted. To meet these water and energy crisis a sustainable integrated strategy is proposed. This proposal not only copes with predicted energy and water crisis but also decrease stress on natural resources. For this purpose, a conspicuous method for fixture of reverse osmosis plant by economizing power factor to reduce process cost has been developed. Energy is produced from wind and solar potential. Energy is produced at an economic rate of 0.06 PKR / KWh along with water production at a rate of 0.06 PKR / gallon. These optimized outcomes will fundamentally assuage the water and energy sector and relieve the general population of Pakistan.
Keywords : Renewable Energy; Solar Energy; Wind Energy, Water Scarcity.