The study of biological systems is drawing the
attention of many scientists giving a description of their
behavior based on mathematical modeling and numerical
approaches. Most of the time, this pathway is followed
either when experimental data for a given network is
missing or a prediction of the system evolution is made. In
both cases, the states of each element of the network as
well as the interactions between them are important for
modeling the biological system. Here we use a discrete
model such as Boolean modeling for making a prediction
of the evolution of mTOR signaling pathway based on
different initial states of the system and different ways of
interactions between elements. We focus on synchronous
update of the nodes' states in order to find and analyze
the fixed points of the system. It is shown that the system
reaches different stable states represented in each case by
a fixed point, or it enters in a cycle limit, depending on
the initial state of the system and on the way of the
interactions between elements, as well. In all cases we see
that mTORC1, in which we are mainly focused, becomes
inactive. Although this study is limited, we aim to
generalize this case of study to other similar cases which
can lead us to other in-depth analysis.
Keywords : Boolean Model, Synchronous Update, Nodes, Network, Dynamical Evolution.