Study on Post- harvest losses,marketing cost,
marketing margin, marketing efficiency and price
spread in groundnut. The study was conducted for the
agricultural year 2019-2020.This paper is devoted that
77kg/ha Post -harvest losses occurs at various stages of
operations and also several factors effecting for losses at
farm level. These losses have a direct and negative
impact on the income of both farmers and
consumers.Three marketing channel were found in study
area.Marketed surplus was worked out 88.14 per cent.
The producer's share in consumer rupee was worked out
96.84, 81.63 and 76.37 per cent in channel - I, II and III
respectively. The producers share in consumer rupee
was inversely with number of intermediaries. The
marketing cost came to Rs. of 161,430 and 504 in
channel - I, II and III respectively. Marketing margin of
middlemen in consumer rupee came to 840 and 860 in
channel - II and channel - III respectively. The
marketing cost and marketing margin were proposinate
with number of intermediaries.
Keywords : Marketing Cost, Marketing Margin Marketing Efficiency, Price Spread And Post-Harvest Losses.