For Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs),
different routing protocols have been developed to
improve the network lifespan by reducing
the Energy Consumption (EC) of nodes. Since each node
within the network has limited energy resources for
multi-path data transmission. To solve this constraint, an
Optimized Economic Utility-Aware Enhanced Reliable
Opportunistic Routing (OEUAEROR) protocol has been
proposed which provides an optimal resource algorithm
for increasing the efficiency of large-scale networks.
Conversely, the network traffic was not reduced since
this protocol constrains the cache or memory space of
each node in the network. As a result, an Optimized
Cache space enhanced EUAEROR (OCEUAEROR)
protocol is proposed in this article to minimize the traffic
over the network and improve the cache space usage
effectively. To do this, a combined version of
OEUAEROR protocol and Storage Efficient Caching
(SEC) scheme is proposed. This protocol can be
performed on the basis that a data packet at any node
consists of the data packets of that node and the lost data
packets from its nearby nodes. Besides, a Generalized
Dominating Set (GDS) method is applied by using the
entire cached packets to choose the most suitable nodes
as the caching locations for data packet replicas and
prevent the packet loss due to the network traffic. At
last, the simulation outcomes analyze that the
effectiveness of the proposed OCEUAEROR protocol
compared to the OEUAEROR protocol in terms of
throughput (TP), End-to-End Delay (E2D), Packet
Delivery Ratio (PDR), Network Lifetime (NetLife), EC
and Control Overhead (CO).
Keywords : MANET, Multipath Routing, OEUAEROR Protocol, Caching, Memory Utilization, Generalized Dominating Set