This paper investigates the efficiency
measurement in financial and Economic data. Efficiency
measurement has contributed significantly to the
reduction in the volume of error encountered in the dayto-day human endeavour. The most unfortunate thing is
that little or no attention is directed towards the
publications addressing this problem. This paper
therefore serves as a gap filling study aimed at
addressing the problem arising in the direction of
efficiency measures. The data employed in the study is
Nigerian Crude oil data (2009-2018) analyzed through
the use of Econometric View software (E-view). The
efficiency measures indices used are Mean Absolute
Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Absolute
Precision Error (MAPE) and THEIL U inequality. From
the results the performance measures indices that
produced the most efficient measurement is THEIL U
inequality and its components, Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) in that
Keywords : Efficiency, MAE, RMSE, MAD, RMSE and MAPE.