An Experimental Analysis on IOR and It’s Effects with Respect to Optical Fiber Media for Long Haul Applications

Authors : M.Tasneem; Sh Fazal Ahmed

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Today the global world is running with Light speed which demands the same interconnectivity nothing but internet speed. The Internet speed mainly depends on the medium of the signal traveling, to attain higher speeds the best medium is the optical fiber. Optical fiber is made up of glass or plastic material with dia slightly higher than human hair. The Light propagates in the fiber-based on the principal operation of Total Internal Reflection. The Optical Fiber has unlimited bandwidth but the speed of data is limited by different parameters. So In this experimental study, these parameters are analyzed concerning IOR for that that the Experimental Setup was made by considering two Optical Fiber Cables with different IOR and Fusion Splicing Machine for Joining Fibers. For detailed analysis, OSNR (Optical Signal to Noise Ratio) meter, OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer), and Optical Power Meter byare used. The Examination was initialized by understanding various optical fiber parameters related to IOR like materials used for construction, various terms defining IOR, and then by the process of fusion splicing, and then we are trying to connect fibers with the same IOR and Different IOR. Based on this practical experiment various losses like Splice Loss,Attenuation, OSNR, etc. are calculated and concluded as if the fibers with the same IOR spliced together giving better results with very fewer losses and High speeds rather than Different IORs.

Keywords : Optical Fiber, Refractive Index, Fusion Splicing, Attenuation, OSNR, OTDR & LSPM.


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