An Experimental Analysis on MAV Design by Means of Laminar Seperation Bubble at low Reynolds Numbers

Authors : Hafsa Shaikh, Shahid Khan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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This paper is an investigation into the laminar LSB that frequently plagues airbone vehicles operating in the low reynolds number regime . The specific application driving the pesent investigation is the fixed wing performance of unmand microairvehicles (MAV’S), defined by there maximum chord length of 10cm and crusing speed of 10-20 meter per sec .the goal of this study was to gain some insight into the boundary layer behavior through the use of dye injection for flow visualization , and hot wire expirements. Application: The purpose of this research is to gain fundamental understanding of laminar bubble behavior and some insight into their control and its potential impact on the performance of the airfoil. Aplication of this study to design MAV to minimize the drag and increase the aerodynamics efficiency for potential military application.

Keywords : flow visualization techniques, low Reynolds number, laminar seperation charactersticts, wind tunnel experiments.


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