The use of pH modifiers in the mining and allied industries is very essential since certain reactions require certain pH to occur. Moreover, without the required pH, certain unwanted by-product of chemical reaction may occur which tend to make the atmosphere unsafe. Various works have been done to produce pH modifiers from certain waste products like the sea shell, oyster shell and the like. This work demonstrates an experimental study on the use of eggshell powder as a pH modifier. Eggshell contains about 94% calcium carbonate which when calcined produces quick lime (calcium oxide) which can be used as a pH modifier. In this work, eggshell powder was produced from dried eggshell and was sieved through 90µm. 100g of the sieved sample was then subjected to calcination at a temperature of 1000ᶿC for 2hours but observations were made at temperatures 600ᶿC, 700ᶿC, 800ᶿC and 900ᶿC. The calcined product was tested on a solution sample with natural pH of 9.71. Addition of 2g of the calcined sample increased the pH to 12.44.
Keywords : Calcination, Eggshell Powder, pH Modifier.