Authors : Devendra N Gavari; Daneshwari Hiremath; Dr. Deelip S. Natekar; Jayashree Awarasang
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December
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Childhood is a blissful state of innocence and
joy but this is often not for the children, who are
disabled, when they play, laugh; they feel isolated, as no
one is beside them to hear or bear, as everyday in their
life is a big struggle. Disability is proven to be a big
hindrance in the normal day-to-day life of a place of
negligence, despair and isolation. Visually handicapped
children are a highly heterogeneous group they face
many problems like behavioral problems, problems of
social adjustment, problems in learning, poor
intelligence, academic difficulties. Slower speeches etc
and sense are gateway of knowledge, the sensory deficit
in vision reduces the range and qualities of cognition.
METHOD:-it deals with defining the problem,
formulation of hypothesis, methods adopted for data
collection and statistical techniques used for analyzing
the data with logical reason behind it. This chapter deals
with the description of methodology and different steps,
which were under taken for gathering and organizing
data for the investigation. It includes description of
research approach, research design, setting of the study,
population, and sample and sampling technique,
development and description of tool, testing of the tools,
pilot study, procedure for data collection, plan for data
analysis. RESULTS:- INTERPRETATION:-The data
was collected from children. 50 visually impaired. The
data collected were grouped and analyzed by using
Descriptive Statistics and Informational statistics. The
data is analyzed on the basis of the objectives and
hypothesis of the study. CONCLUSION:-This chapter
presents the conclusions drawn, implications, limitations,
suggestions and recommendations.The main focus of
these studies was to assessment of implementation of
protocol on psychosocial problems and coping strategies
among blind children. The data was collected from 50