An Infrequent Secondary Location of Renal Carcinoma: About a Case

Authors : M.Belhouari; H. Rida; I. Bellamine, S.Khalfi; F.Z Outaleb; H.Jouhadi; N.Tawfik; M. Bourhafour; Z. Bouchbika; N.Benchakroune; S.Sahraoui; A.Benider

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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Thyroid metastases are an extremely rare secondary location and are generally asymptomatic. It is important to discuss a malignant tumor process such as metastasis to any thyroid nodule found in a patient with a history of renal carcinoma. We describe the case of a 63-year-old patient followed for thyroid nodules, she had a history of left nephrectomy at the age of 48 for clear cell cancer, which had to increase in size of one of the thyroid nodules as well as solids dysphagia, she was able to benefit from a total thyroidectomy. Pathologic study revealed thyroid metastasis from clear cell kidney cancer, and radiotherapy for her brain metastases combined with systemic treatment for her contralateral and metastatic relapse. In this article on will raise the clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic aspects of this location with a review of literature.

Keywords : Thyroid, Renal Cell Cancer, Metastasis


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