The inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS) owns the necessary ability to run
elemental ultra-trace detection, as well as to elucidate
temporally overlapping chromatographic peaks. In
geochemistry, environmental and clinical studies of trace
elements, ICP-MS plays a very important role in all its
variants. In its versatility, ICP-MS has increased the
scope of research as well as, together with new and
improved methodologies for sample preparation, has
changed the direction of interest and filled knowledge
gaps in elemental and isotopic characterization. ICP-MS
is the best detector with low detection limits, mass
selectivity, large dynamic ranges, high sensitivities,
isotope ratio capacities, and high throughput in
traditional speciation analysis. With the aid of ICP-MS,
the struggle to look for an outstanding form of
quantification, such as drugs and proteomics, has come
substantially close to an end. In short, ICP-MS will play a
more and more significant role in pharmaceutical,
biomedical, soil, clinical, forensic, and food research.
Keywords : ICP-MS; Detection; Sample Preparation