This research aimed to discovered and
analyzed those efficiency of logistics costs by hub and
spoke system at Cikarang dry port that provides ports
which included logistics services with logistics
companies and supply chains so it would contributes to
reducing logistics costs and dwelling time at Tanjung
Priok Port. This research uses Factor Analysis and AHP
(Analitycal Hierarchy Process) method as a method to
find out all factors which influence most towards
logistics performance and how to reduce those logistics
costs at Cikarang Dry Port. Factor Analysis result
starting from 14 elements into 8 elements which divided
into 3 factors such as transportation, administration
and inventory costs. The weight of loading and
unloading costs is 0.24709, the weight of container costs
is 0.20384 and the weighting of stacking fees is 0.14429.
So AHP results was obtained from factors and elements
of logistics costs Cikarang Dry Port which has most
influence are F1 (loading and unloading costs), F6
(custom service fees), F8 (forwarding service costs), F2
(goods inspection service costs), F4 (stacking fees) , F12
(service quality that needs to be improved), F3
(container tariffs), F5 (loading and unloading labor
Keywords : Analitycal Hirarki Process, Logistics Costs, Factor Analysis.