Local governments in Malawi just like in
many countries have been undertaking training and
development initiatives as part and parcel of capacity
building programs. Drawing from a qualitative
epistemological approach and using Zomba District
Council as an illustrative case study, this paper assess
whether conditions necessary for successful
implementation of training and development programs
are put in place in Malawi’s local government
authorities. The central argument is that the current
training and development initiatives just like the
previous ones are likely to fail since they are imposed on
an environment where they are no good conditions to
thrive. The study concludes that local governments’
efforts to ensure successful implementation of training
and development are likely to be fruitful if challenges
that militate against effective implementation of these
practices are confronted and dealt with accordingly and
putting necessary conditions in the physical setting
where they are going to be implemented. The findings
from this case study are in line with the experiences in
many countries that have been undertaking training and
development initiatives but there is little to show of the
tangible progress due to primarily unrealistic
Keywords : Development, Local government, Training, Capacity Building