Analysis Customer Satisfaction for Developer Performance on Cluster Edison Summarecon Serpong

Authors : Agus Suroso, Aldi Syahputra, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 3 - March

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Customer satisfaction is one of the factors determining the success of a developer. If this is not followed a negative impact on product quality and service quality of the developer. In a way, PT. Summarecon Serpong as the developer of the housing Cluster Edison experienced problems with regard to products and services. It is known that there are many complaints received by PT. Summarecon Serpong. Given the number of complaints from consumers makes PT. Summarecon Serpong should be aware of the elements of dissatisfaction received by consumers regarding the quality of product and service quality. So the authors conducted a study on the factors influencing the level of customer satisfaction with the performance of the developer. This research was conducted by survey method in the form of questionnaires concerning customer satisfaction with quality products and quality service developer. Furthermore, the data questionnaires were analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), which aims to get the relevant data in accordance with the state of the field and use the results to solve a problem. From the research found several factors that affect customer satisfaction with quality products and services developers. For the quality of the products affected X1.1 variables namely during the handover of the building with consumers, state building walls; X1.4 variables namely during the handover of the building with consumers, the condition of the building ceiling; X1.5 variables namely during the handover of the building with consumers, state building ceramics. For variable customer satisfaction X2.8 variables influenced the security sistem and variable X2.10 the quality of roads.

Keywords : Developer, Satisfaction, Consumer, Performance, Complaints, Quality, Products, Services, Variable.


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