Analysis Influence of Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Work Stress on Turnover Intention of Outsourching Employee in Automotive Company at PT. XYZ

Authors : Anisah Ulfah Fauziyya; Erry Rimawan; Tubagus Hendri Febriana; Febri Winday

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG215

In an organization the role of human resources is a very important determining factor for the effectiveness and success of an organization in achieving its goals. But in reality, there are still many companies that use outsourching services. With the rise of the practice of outsourcing so far it is recognized to be more detrimental to workers because employment relations are always in the form of non-permanent or contractual contracts (fixed time contracts), lower wages, limited social security, lack of job security, and lack of career development guarantees. These factors make high turnover intention in PT XYZ. From every outsourching employee's complaints and based on data to the company, the authors indicate doubts about organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work stress. The author uses questionnaires and interviews as a data collection tool and takes a sampling of the outsourching employee population. Then analyzed using the smartPLS application. The results showed that organizational commitment had a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, job satisfaction had a negative and significant effect on turnover intention and work stress had a positive and significant effect on the turnover intention of outsourcing employee in PT XYZ.

Keywords : Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Work Stress, Turnover Intention


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