Now a days the road accidents are increased to uncertain level according to times of India in every hour 20 to 30 accidents happens. The closing of human life due to accident and not get the medical attention on proper time is to be avoided by using automatic accident detection and ambulance rescue system using microcontroller or microprocessor. The authors were able to program a GPS / GSM module incorporating a crash detector to report automatically via the GSM communication platform (using SMS messaging) to the nearest ambulance agencies, giving the exact position of the point where the crash had occurred. With the help of GPS wireless system is their choice for the automobile GPS/GSM module. The GPS method uses satellite sent positioning signal to handsets equipped with GPS chip, which calculates its own location to approximately 1-10m. The system architecture shows that if a crash occurs in a particular place, the information is been sent to ambulance agencies numbers. By using this project we can save human life by giving the medical service on time .also preventing the accidents by avoiding the drink and drive by locking the ignition when driver detected in drunk status by using alcohol sensor.
Keywords : Tiny GSM, GPS, Arduino, and SENSORS.