Authors : Ainil Fitri; Lora Marlita; Yulia Febrianita; Putri Wulandini
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL803
Aggressive behavior is the fourth leading
cause of adolescent death in 2016 (Enopadria, 2018).
The effects of aggressive behavior on adolescents
include physical injuries, psychological injuries and
social injuries. This aggressive behavior is not only in
the form of physical aggression but can manifest in
other forms such as angry behavior, verbal aggression,
and show hostility to others (Hardoni, 2019). The
purpose of this study is to analyze the aggressive
behavior that occurs in adolescents, especially high
school students in the Pekanbaru city. The population in
this study were high school students in the city of
Pekanbaru. The number of samples of this study were
904 adolescents. The sample technique used is
accidental sampling. The research instrument uses the
Brief Aggression Questionnaire. The results of a study
conducted in 2020 on high school students in Pekanbaru
city about aggressive behavior were 42.1% of
adolescents showing low aggressive behavior, while
another 57.9% showed high aggressive behavior. It is
expected that educational sites will activate the PIK-R
program at school because this program is expected to
be one of the platforms to suppress aggressive behavior
that can occur in adolescents or students in Pekanbaru
and its surroundings.
Keywords : Aggressive Behavior, Teenagers, Physical Aggression, Verbal Aggression.