Authors : Monica A. Godad; Siddhi S. Suryavanshi; Somesh S. Shintre; Kiran K. Abitkar
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN799
A concurrent and promising effects has been
achieved by using cow urine as a efficient antibacterial
activity against gram-negative and gram-positive
human pathogen. The present study aims to evaluate
anti-microbial activity photo activated cow urine
against pathogenic bacterial strains. It is estimated by
agar well diffusion method.It is evident from the data
presented that the zone of inhibition of photo activated
Gir cow urine and Khillari cow urine against bacteria
Escherichi coli and staphulococcus aureus is
significant.The present investigation clearly
demonstrate that the average width of inhibition zone at
50 micrilitre dose was 1.6cm.Therefore this pathogen
can be well managed by using cow urine.
Keywords : Photo activated Gir cow urine and khillari cow urine, E.coli, S. aureus, well diffusion method.