Analysis of BIM Methodologies Applied to Construction SMEs. Case Study: Cuenca- Ecuador

Authors : María Isabel Orbe Veintimilla; Jorge Toledo Toledo; Marco Avila Calle

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February

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The variables analyzed during this research, allowed to study the process and the management strategies used in architectural projects by construction SMEs in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador. Lot of variables were found out, such as the number and frequency of construction projects they have per year, type of objects they carry out among other variables. This research found out strategies and recommendations by applying research methods during the investigation. They could be applied in SMEs of Cuenca city as it is the study case. It could be done by interrelating the variables found in the study of similar cases from other countries and the variables found in the interviews process done to experts located in Cuenca city. The research improves an analysis of BIM methodologies with BIM processes too. This processes could guarantee an efficient management model in which, time and resources are optimized to obtain high quality projects in architecture projects. The proposed processes were carried out based on the study of the development that architectural projects have had throughout history, remembering the vision they used to apply in the past until now. It includes tools that allow to reach complete and interdisciplinary projects while they involve other professions so that they can be designed in an optimal and efficient way to achieve as result: quality architectural projects with high standards.

Keywords : BIM, Construction SMEs, Architecture


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