This study aims to reveal implementation of Service Innovation applied in four-star hotels in Sumatra Barat, a province in Indonesia. There are four dimensional parameters that are used in this study, they are The Service Concept Innovation, The Interface Client Innovation, The Service Delivery Innovation and The Technology Innovation. There are thirteen four-star hotels in this province used as the objects of this study which are located in three cities, namely Padang, Bukittinggi and Batusangkar. Samples of this study include some customers who had stayed or enjoyed the services provided by the four-star hotels in Sumatera Barat. The data collection technique that has been implemented in this study can be identified as Probability Sampling.The data are gathered by distributing questionnaire directly to those 100 selected customers. These data then were analyzed by using frequency distribution, validity and reliability tests. This study concludes that the technology innovation has the highest average followed by the client interface innovation and the service delivery innovation and the lowest is the service concept innovation. But there is two indicators that has been not optimally implemented by these four-star hotels, the indicators is Offering new services in new markets (The Service Concept Innovation) and providing additional facility to improve service quality (The Technology Innovation). Meanwhile, the others indicators have been implemented well in the four-star hotels in Sumatera Barat.
Keywords : Service Innovation, The Service Concept, The Interface Client, The Service Delivery, The Technology.