Authors : Tejaswi S. Kurane; Prakash S. Chougule; Suresh T. Salunkhe
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL064
Juvenile delinquency also known
juvenile offending, is the act of participating in unlawful
behavior as a minor or individual younger than the
statutory age of majority. This paper is based on a
research project in which the Juvenile delinquency is
analyzed by researchers. A researcher has been
collecting the data from internet (Website:
This research aims to explore the educational
background of the criminal along with the family
background and their economic status which affects the
juveniles or which results in the crime among juveniles.
The present study leads to the conclusion that the low
income of the family, family background (nuclear or
joint or homeless), lack of parental supervision on their
children is the main cause which is leading to the rise in
this trend of delinquency
Keywords : Juvenile Delinquency, Family Background, Educational Background, Apprehended.