This research was motivated by the lack of
customer satisfaction with the services provided by the
banks as a result of lack of professionalism in providing
services. For industries engaged in services in this case
banking, customer satisfaction is one of the important
factors in creating customer relationships and trust. At
PT. Bank ABC has not been maximized in satisfying
customers for this reason, the variables measured are
Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy,
Tangible, which are analyzed through Importance
Performance Analysis (IPA) so that thirty-five attributes
are included in the five variables there are three
important things that need to be corrected, namely the
Reliability attribute (X6- Fast queue with expectation
value 2.27), Responsiveness (X12-Teller works very
carefully and skillfully in serving customers with
expectations of 2.57), Tangible (X34-parking facilities
available with expectation value 2.53). While from the
gap analysis between actual performance and
expectations, it can be seen that the trust performance of
PT. Bank ABC has not surpassed customer expectations
because of the perception of 52% but expectations of
Keywords : Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).