This study analyzes the influence of the
variables of Company Growth, Profitability, Leverage,
Bond Age and Auditor's Reputation on the rankings of
non-financial corporate bonds traded on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange for the period 2018. The sample
selection technique was carried out by purposive
sampling consisting of 147 of 717 corporate bonds that
published by 29 out of 161 companies from all sectors.
The research analysis method used is descriptive
statistics and Ordinal Logit Regression. The results
showed that partially the company growth variable had
no effect on bond rating, profitability and auditor
reputation had a positive effect on bond rating, while
leverage and bond age had a negative effect on bond
rating. The implication of this research is that companies
need to reduce their debt ratios and issue bonds with a
short life in order to increase their bond rating so that
investors are interested in the bonds. In addition,
companies with high profitability ratios and using Big
Four external auditors find it easier to get external
sources of funds through bonds. This is because both of
them have a positive effect on the Bond Rating. For
further research, it is expected to study other variables
that affect the bond rating because the coefficient of
determination in this study is 18.9%, while the
remaining 81.1% is influenced by other variables not
explained in this study.
Keywords : Company Growth, Profitability, Leverage, Maturity, Auditor Reputation and Bond Rating.