This research is aims to understand the preference of civil servant and factors that influence them on deciding assignment location.
The method used in this research is exploratory type that aims to understand the preference of civil servant and factors that influence them on deciding assignment location.
The population of this research is Civil Servant of Directorate General of State Asset Management (DGSAM) and sample of this research are 3263 employees by using sampling technique.
Distribution of employees in the environment DGSAM conducted on 4 zones, namely zone 1 covers the Java region, zone 2 includes several areas of Java, some areas of Sumatra, some areas of Bali, some areas of Kalimantan and some areas of Sulawesi, Zone 3 cover some areas of Sumatra, and some areas of Sulawesi and Zone 4 cover some areas of Sumatra, some areas of Kalimantan, some areas of Sulawesi and all regions of Papua.
The results showed that DGSAM Employee Preferences in choosing the assignment zone is 70% choose Zone 1, 20% choose zone 2, 7% choose zone 3, and 3% choose zone 4 while factors affecting employee preference in determining assignment zone is 23 % choosing Transportation Facility Going to Jakarta, 21% choosing Education Facility, 20% choosing Living Cost Standard, 16% choosing Health Facility, 15% choosing Social Resource and Security, and 5% choosing Economic and Entertainment Infrastructure. This indicates that employees in the DGSAM majority want to be assigned in Zone 1 and the main consideration in determining the assignment is the Transportation Facility to Jakarta followed by consideration on education facilities and living cost standards.
Keywords : Employee Placement, Preference, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia.