Inventory is one of the fundamental
problems in a company. Inventory can be interpreted as
a stock of goods that will be sold or used for a certain
period of time. Lack of inventory can result in cessation
of the production process. This shows that inventory is a
fairly crucial problem in the company. To control and
control the stock in the warehouse, calculations and
forecasts are really close. It aims to not cause a dead
value for the item so that it does not have a sale value
because it is too long in the warehouse. The variables
used in this study are inventory variables as the
dependent variable, while the independent variables are
Safety Stock and Reorder Point. The population and
sample in this study are products from the production
of "XY" which will be marketed in all branches in
Indonesia. Sampling is done by considering that the
population is very large in number so that it is not
possible for the entire population to be data. The
product to be analyzed uses ABC for 20 products, the
division in ABC analysis for each class is based on
Pareto and product focus. class A is based on ABC
analysis of 41 products, class B 72 products and class C
117. The author sets different service levels for each
class based on the level of importance previously
defined. For class A, the service level is set at 99%,
while for class B it is 95% and class C is 90%. This
service level is used for the calculation of reorder points
and safety stock in the analysis to be discussed in the
next point. Calculation of class A SS: 103 & ROP 151
Units, class B SS: 24 & ROP 48, class C SS: 28 & ROP
35. Based on data that has been obtained and processed
based on ABC concepts, safety stock, and ROP. The
DOI calculated using SS and ROP after grouping based
on the ABC concept as seen in Figure 4 shows a positive
trend, from the month of the month it shows an
improving trend if we compare it to the lost opportunity
obtained from the month. This is because the products
are distributed evenly throughout the branches. The
ROP concept is carried out to give a warning (poka-
yoke) to everyone if the item will run out and must be
refilled. If it is compared to the performance or sales
achievement of the month, it can be concluded that
there will be a positive trend also because the lost
opportunity has decreased.