This research aims to examine and analyze the
factors that cause the low performance of Indonesian
logistics. Logistics performance evaluation was a multi-
criteria issue in which there were factors that must be
considered. This research would use Factor Analysis and
AHP (Analitycal Hirarki Process) metods to determine
priority of logistic performance and how to reduce
maritime costs. Results of Factor Analysis starting from 17
factors into 9 factors which are divided into 3 criteria,
namely transportation costs, guarantor costs and shipping
costs. The weight of the transportation fee is 0.40645, the
weight of the shipping cost is 0.33347 and the weight of the
guarantee fee is 0.26008. By running AHP method, it was
concluded that the most influenced cost factors for
maritime logistics costs were P2 (behandle costs), P3
(online order delivery costs), P7 (compatibility of costs
with services obtained), P13 (container guarantee costs),
P14 (fees container transfer services). This research has
managerial implications where it is suggested for the
ministry of maritime coordinator to making new
regulations related to the 5 factors that most influenced to
logistics costs and coordinate with related parties in reduce
maritime logistics costs.
Keywords : AHP, Logistic Costs, Factor Analysis, MCDM.