The role of the medical record is very
important in the management of hospital services.
medical record quality indicators are included in one of
the hospital accreditation assessment standards.
Therefore, this study aims to determine the Process of
Organizing Medical Records in General Hospital.
Wahidin Sudirohusodo. The study design uses a
qualitative descriptive approach with exploratory
methods. This research was conducted at Wahidin
Sudirohusodo General Hospital in 2020. There were 7
informants in this study. Data analysis with an
interactive model consists of three stages of data
reduction, data presentation, concluding. Based on
research results. In the process of registering medical
records involved in this process, namely administrative
or admission officers who are also part of the medical
record unit, and nurses, the implementation of filling
patient medical records is still found many obstacles,
from disciplinary factors, knowledge, awareness, time
and motivation of doctors and nurses are the main
obstacle in filling out the medical record. The medical
record management at WahidinSudirohuso Hospital
has been proceeding from assembling, coding, indexing,
but there are still obstacles encountered, namely the
lack of officers in the process of quantitative and
qualitative analysis of medical record files. HR in the
medical record installation is inadequate, SOPs and
channels are in place, the policy refers to Permenkes
No. 269 of 2008, facilities and infrastructure were
Keywords : component; Input; Process; Output; Operation system; Medical record.