Paddy field is a public property, because it
provides individual benefits to the owner and communal
benefits. As a public property, paddy fields have a very
wide range of functions related to multifunctional
benefits. It is concerning, the economic development
carried out by the Indonesian State has sacrificed a lot of
agricultural land, especially paddy fields. The results of
high resolution image analysis are estimated that the
national paddy field conversion rate is 96,512 hectares
year-1 in the period 2000-2015. Such conversion rate, the
current rice field area of 7.1 million ha is predicted to
shrink to about 5.1 million hectares in 2045. Malang
Regency, the use of paddy fields is transferred to
industry, housing, tourism. This shows that the
assessment of land use for industry, housing, tourism,
provides an advantage 2.6 times greater than the use of
paddy fields. Such an assessment makes the process of
changing the function of paddy fields to other uses
difficult to avoid (Bambang Rahmanto, et al. 2019).
Paddy fields that are culturally protected and utilized by
the community require a study to determine their
potential and problems. Perceptions of farmers and
community leaders about the multifunctionality of
paddy fields can be used as an effort to examine their
perspective on the multifunctionality of paddy fields.
The study was focused on exploring the perceptions of
the wetland farmer community and community leaders
on the multifunctionality of paddy fields. The method
uses a qualitative descriptive design using a case study
technique. A multifunctional study of lowland farming
based on Sudrajat's (2015) reference which is divided
into three groups: 1) direct use benefits, 2) indirect use
benefits, 3) inherent benefits. The research objective was
to examine the perceptions of farmers and community
leaders about the multifunctionality of paddy fields. The
results of the study: 1) Perceptions of lowland farmers:
a). Farmers' appreciation of the multi-functional direct
benefits of paddy fields resulted in a high-scale value of
an average of 64%, b) indirect benefits produced an
average of 60%, c) inherited benefits resulted in an
average of 44%. 2). Perceptions of Community Leaders:
a) Appreciation of Community Figures for the direct
benefits of multi-function paddy fields produces a
medium scale value of an average of 58%, b) indirect
benefits produce a moderate value of 41% on average, c)
innate benefits produce an average of 44 %. The
appreciation of high value is because farmers
understand the importance of the multifunctional role of
paddy fields in environmental balance based on positive
experiences in managing paddy fields for years and the
benefits of multi-function benefits of paddy fields are felt
by the farming community for their basic needs directly.
Appreciation of medium and low values is due to the
lack of interest of the younger generation to work in
paddy fields and paddy fields are valued only for their
ability to produce food products, while other functions
have not been taken into account.
Keywords : Perception, Multifunction, Paddy Fields