This paper examines the ownership pattern
of deposits of commercial banks in India. The deposits
are one of the important component of the credit
creation process of a bank. These are in different types
like current, Saving and term deposit. Different types of
banks in India like, public sector banks, private sector
banks and foreign banks have different amount of
deposits and theses deposits are owned by different
sectors and individuals of an economy. The ownership
pattern of deposits in commercial banks are classified
into five categories they are government sector, private
corporate sector, financial sector, household sector and
foreign sector. In India the highest share of deposits in
commercial banks are owned by household sector. The
bank wise analysis shows that among the nationalised
and private sector banks the share of household sector
is the highest in total deposits. Households are the
major owners of deposits in rural, urban, semi urban
and metropolitan area. The deposits in various types
likes current, saving, and term deposits are also owned
by households. In 2018 Government sector’s
contribution in total deposits of commercial banks in
India is 13.5 percent. Out of total deposits of
commercial banks in India 10.1 percent is provided by
private sector, 63 percent by household sector, 7 percent
by foreign sector and 5.9 percent by financial
institutions in 2018.Thus the household sectors are the
major owners of deposits in commercial banks in India.