Analysis of Perceived Benefits, Convenience, and Risk to the Effectiveness of Non-Cash Payments

Authors : Agung Edi Rustanto, Iis Kartini, Featy Octaviany

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

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Non-cash payments in Indonesia are the main payment method. Almost all people choose non- cash payments even if only to buy goods that are very simple. The most popular non-cash payments are non-cash payments via transfer and QR code. Public interest in the use of non-cash payments is welcomed by entrepreneurs, especially MSME entrepreneurs. SME business owners start using a non-cash payment system to increase sales because the non-cash payment system is considered effective in making payments. MSMEs in Indonesia especially in the Karawang area are increasing the use of non-cash payment systems, although in remote villages it is difficult to use non-cash payments but they believe that through non-cash payments have a positive impact on sales. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine how much perception of the benefits, convenience, and risk of non-cash payments to sales effectiveness. Data analysis in this research is using descriptive analysis and multiple regression. The results of this study show: (1) the perception of the benefits of non-cash payments to sales effectiveness is 96.8%, (2) the perception of ease of non-cash payments to sales effectiveness is 84.5%, (3) the perception of the risk of non-cash payments to sales effectiveness is 54.6%.

Keywords : Persepsi, Pembayaran Non Tunai, UMKM


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