The digital era has resulted a change of behavior among customers. In the past, consumers used to shop from shopping malls, and nowadays, they become familiar with online shopping. Price Perception, promotion and trust are aspects that consumers consider before making purchase decision. This research was aimed to analyze to influences of Price Perception, promotion and trust on consumer purchase decision.
The population of this research were consumers who have shopped from online marketplace Tokopedia ( There were 200 samples involved in this research who were selected using an accidental sampling technique. Research data were collected using a set of questionnaires and were analyzed using SPSS multiple linear regression analysis.
Hypothesis testing (t-test) administered in this study resulted in H1=2.175, H2=2.652 , H3=4.445. Meanwhile, the results of reliability test showed that Cronbach’s Alpha >0.6 :Price perception (alpha 0.627), promotion (alpha 0.629), trust (alpha 0.635), and online-purchase decision (alpha 0.619).
Keywords : Price Perception, Promotion, Trust, and Purchase Decision.