Analysis of Print Quality Control of Canned Materials with the DMAIC Method in PT United can Company New Printing Department

Authors : Raden Entada, Agustina Dwiyanti, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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PT. United Can Company is a company engaged in manufacturing cans for food, or other household needs. In this case, increasing productivity while maintaining quality in the production process is needed as one of the company’s strategies to survive and have competitiveness with other companies. for a certain period of time in depth to identify and analyze various variables needed. In this analysis, of the total production of 567,882 sheets, there were 3,778 sheets in the number of scum defects in one month in June or 0.67% or 31.98% of the five types of defects that existed in one month. And in July of the total production of 610,027 sheets there were 5,115 sheets of scum defects in one month in July or 0.83% or 37.2% of the five types of defects that existed in one month, So it’s important for PT. United Can Company Ltd. to meet the good print quality as requested by the customer. This study uses the DMAIC method to analyze scum problems that occur at PT. United Can Company. The DMAIC method is a method of analyzing problems systematically consisting of 5 stages namely Define (problem definition), Measurement (measurement), Analyze (problem analysis), Improvement (corrective action) with FMEA, and finally the Control (control) stage. Based on the analysis and improvement with the FMEA method, the most dominant cause of defect is due to dirty mold with an RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of 486.

Keywords : Quality, DMAIC, FMEA, Scum, Fishbone Diagram.


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