Analysis of Quality Control to Reduce Defect Products in Steel K-015 Cable Using DMAIC Method at PT. SUCACO, TBK

Authors : Erry Rimawan, Beny Dwiyantoro, M. Faizin, M. Nasir

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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PT. Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk, (PT. SUCACO) is a national company that is diverse in manufacturing that produces various types of cables, one of which is STEL K-015 Cable. The problem that occurs is when there is a defect when making the product. because at the time of production at PT. Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk there are still products that do not meet the prescribed standards. This situation can result in increased production costs and a decrease in product quality which ultimately reduces profits for the company. In the process of making the product defects during October 2018 - March 2019 To improve quality, researchers use the six sigma method which consists of five stages. This stage is known as DMAIC which stands for the abbreviation stands for each stage, namely define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Admittedly, there are 4 types of defects based on data processing, namely the type of leather defect, rough cable with a percentage of 14%, imperfect printing, percentage of 19%, loose buffer iron 40% and fiber breaking with a percentage of 27%. Then for the sigma value in the product production process, it is calculated to be 4 during that period. Based on the calculation table of FMEA Part Wire Metal Connector on the outer sheath machine that does not work optimally, it is the cause of product defects with the highest RPN value. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the type of iron buffer defect which is the dominant defect with a percentage of 40%. While the factors that cause defect are 4 factors, namely human, machine, material and method. Then the proposed improvements that can be given are the leading machine checks on the outer sheath engine, more regularly carrying out machine maintenance regularly, providing training to workers to improve work skills.

Keywords : DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), Quality, Pareto Diagram, Fishbone Diagram, FMEA, Product Defect.


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