This research was conducted to get a better
and more effective schedule in a project compared to
the existing one that was made by combining all the
time needed in each task and also to know the factors
that caused the delay in project because of the project
studied in this research was delayed for 11 days. The
project itself is data transformation project. Which is
an endeavor undertaken to adjust company's internal
data with other companies or vendors for specific
purpose. There will be sacrifices incurred by the
company both in time and financial if the schedule takes
too much time and if there's a delay in the project. For
this reason, researcher wants to apply a scheduling
method which is CPM to find out whether the
scheduling is effective or not and to further explore
what factors are causing delayed project which is
happen to the case the researcher studied on. In this
case, researcher using tools such as work breakdown
structure and fishbone diagram to find the root cause of
the problem and apply PDCA as an endeavor of
improvement. The expected result is getting a better
schedule and the main factors that cause delay so that it
can be used to improve the effectiveness of next project.
Keywords : CPM, Project, Schedule, Delay, Fishbone.